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A plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer: Dein Weg zum Erfolg in Französisch als 1. und 2. Fremdsprache


A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer Download: How to Prepare for Your French Tests

Are you learning French as a second or third language and want to ace your tests? Do you need a reliable and effective tool to help you practice and improve your skills? If so, you might want to download A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer, a workbook that accompanies the textbook A Plus 3, a popular French course for middle school students. In this article, we will tell you what A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is, why you should download it, how to download it, how to use it, and how to improve your French with it. By the end of this article, you will be ready to take your French tests with confidence and achieve your desired results.

a plus 3 klassenarbeitstrainer download


What is A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer?

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is a workbook that helps you prepare for your French tests in a systematic and independent way. It is designed for students who use A Plus 3 textbook, a five-volume course that covers the topics, skills, and competencies required by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for levels A1 to B1. A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is suitable for students in grades 7 to 9 who are learning French as a second or third language.

Why should you download it?

There are many reasons why you should download A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer if you want to succeed in your French tests. Here are some of them:

  • It provides you with two tests per unit that cover all the skills and contents of the textbook.

  • It offers you tasks for reading, listening, writing and speaking skills, as well as communication and mediation skills.

  • It gives you exercises for oral exam preparation that help you practice your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and interaction.

  • It includes solutions for self-checking that allow you to correct your own work and learn from your mistakes.

  • It is available online as a PDF file that you can download, print, or access on any device.

How to download it?

Downloading A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is very easy and convenient. All you need to do is follow these steps:

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  • Go to the website of Cornelsen Verlag, the publisher of A Plus 3 textbook and workbook. You can find the link in the reference section below.

  • Search for A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer in the search box or browse through the categories of products.

  • Select the product that matches your grade level and edition of the textbook.

  • Add the product to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.

  • Enter your personal and payment details and confirm your order.

  • You will receive an email with a link to download the PDF file of A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer.

  • Click on the link and save the file on your device or print it out if you prefer.

Main Body

How to use A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer?

Now that you have downloaded A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer, you might be wondering how to use it effectively. Here are some tips and suggestions for making the most of this workbook:

Two tests per unit

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer provides you with two tests per unit, each consisting of four parts: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. You can use these tests to assess your level of proficiency and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You can also use them to practice the format and types of questions that you will encounter in your actual tests. You can choose to do one or both tests per unit, depending on your needs and preferences.

Tasks for reading, listening, writing and speaking skills

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer offers you tasks for reading, listening, writing and speaking skills that are aligned with the CEFR standards and the textbook contents. You can use these tasks to improve your comprehension, expression, and interaction skills in French. You can also use them to expand your vocabulary, grammar, and cultural knowledge. You can find the audio files for the listening tasks on the website of Cornelsen Verlag. You can also find the transcripts of the audio files in the solutions section of the workbook.

Exercises for oral exam preparation

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer gives you exercises for oral exam preparation that help you prepare for the speaking part of your tests. You can use these exercises to practice your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and interaction skills in French. You can also use them to develop your communication and mediation skills, such as expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, asking for clarification, summarizing information, etc. You can do these exercises alone or with a partner or a teacher.

Solutions for self-checking

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer includes solutions for self-checking that allow you to correct your own work and learn from your mistakes. You can use these solutions to check your answers for the reading, listening, and writing tasks. You can also use them to evaluate your performance for the speaking tasks, using the criteria and scales provided. You can find the solutions at the end of the workbook or online on the website of Cornelsen Verlag.

How to improve your French with A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer?

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is not only a tool for test preparation, but also a tool for learning and improvement. Here are some ways you can use A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer to enhance your French skills:

Review the vocabulary and grammar of each unit

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer helps you review the vocabulary and grammar of each unit of the textbook. You can use it to refresh your memory and consolidate your knowledge of the words, phrases, structures, and rules that you have learned. You can also use it to discover new words and expressions that are relevant to the topics and situations of each unit.

Practice the communication and mediation skills

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer helps you practice the communication and mediation skills that are essential for communicating effectively in French. You can use it to practice how to express yourself clearly and accurately in different contexts and purposes. You can also use it to practice how to understand and convey information from different sources and perspectives.

Learn from your mistakes and feedback

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer helps you learn from your mistakes and feedback. You can use it to identify your errors and gaps in your knowledge and skills. You can also use it to get feedback on your performance and progress from yourself, your partner, or your teacher. You can use this feedback to improve your weak areas and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Track your progress and set your goals

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer helps you track your progress and set your goals. You can use it to measure how much you have improved in each skill and unit. You can also use it to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself based on your current level and desired results. You can use these goals to motivate yourself and guide your learning process.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is a valuable resource for students who want to prepare for their French tests in a systematic and independent way. It is a workbook that accompanies the textbook A Plus 3, a popular French course for middle school students. It provides two tests per unit that cover all the skills and contents of the textbook. It also offers tasks for reading, listening , writing and speaking skills, as well as communication and mediation skills. It also gives exercises for oral exam preparation that help practice pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and interaction. It also includes solutions for self-checking that allow to correct the own work and learn from the mistakes. It is available online as a PDF file that can be downloaded, printed, or accessed on any device.

Recommendations and tips for using A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer

We recommend that you use A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer regularly and consistently to prepare for your French tests. Here are some tips for using it effectively:

  • Plan your time and schedule your sessions according to your needs and goals.

  • Follow the instructions and guidelines of each task and exercise carefully.

  • Use the audio files, transcripts, and solutions to check your answers and improve your skills.

  • Seek feedback from your partner, teacher, or online sources to evaluate your performance and progress.

  • Review the vocabulary and grammar of each unit before and after doing the tests.

  • Practice the communication and mediation skills in different situations and contexts.

  • Learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future.

  • Track your progress and set your goals for each skill and unit.


Here are some frequently asked questions about A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer:

  • What is the difference between A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer and A Plus 3 Cahier d'activités?

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is a workbook that helps you prepare for your French tests, while A Plus 3 Cahier d'activités is a workbook that helps you practice the skills and contents of the textbook. A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer provides two tests per unit, while A Plus 3 Cahier d'activités provides exercises and activities for each lesson. A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer focuses on assessment and improvement, while A Plus 3 Cahier d'activités focuses on reinforcement and consolidation.

  • Can I use A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer without using A Plus 3 textbook?

A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer is designed to accompany A Plus 3 textbook, so it is recommended that you use both resources together. However, you can also use A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer independently if you have a similar level of French and a similar curriculum. You can use it to practice your French skills and prepare for your tests, but you might need to supplement it with other materials to cover all the topics and competencies of your course.

  • How can I access the audio files for the listening tasks?

You can access the audio files for the listening tasks on the website of Cornelsen Verlag. You can find the link in the reference section below. You can also scan the QR codes on each page of the workbook with your smartphone or tablet to access the audio files directly. You can listen to the audio files online or download them on your device.

  • How can I get more practice materials for my French tests?

If you want more practice materials for your French tests, you can use other resources from Cornelsen Verlag, such as A Plus 3 Online-Übungen, A Plus 3 Vokabeltrainer, or A Plus 3 Grammatiktrainer. You can also use other online sources, such as Duolingo, Quizlet, or Lingolia. You can also join online communities, such as r/French or r/LearnFrench on Reddit, where you can ask questions, share tips, and interact with other learners.

  • How can I contact Cornelsen Verlag if I have any questions or issues with A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer?

If you have any questions or issues with A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer, you can contact Cornelsen Verlag by email, phone, or mail. You can find their contact details in the reference section below. You can also visit their website or follow them on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


[Cornelsen Verlag](

[A Plus 3 Klassenarbeitstrainer Audio Files](

[Cornelsen Verlag Contact Details]( 44f88ac181

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